Online pornography

The Internet has made it even more easy for anyone to access porn even though certain sites require age verification or are against payment. Some might argue and ask: "so what's bad with that?" or "Why is porn bad?"

It is a well known scientific fact that when one starts watching porn at a very young age one gets the wrong idea of sexuality and how to relate with the opposite sex. In fact pornography depicts women as simply objects of pleasure who at our disposal anytime. (Nowadays the same can be said about children and even to some extent, men). This dehumanised idea of the opposite sex can have serious repercussions later on in life especially when establishing lasting relationships.

Another danger with porn is that it is addictive. The more one views the more one needs to view, and the cruder the imagery has to be. According to studies, because of this need for more, there is a risk that one ends up committing sex related crimes.

Think about it. Is it worth risking?  Feel free to express your thoughts here.

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