Social Networks

Maybe you don't know what Social Networks are. Most of you use them though. With Social Networks we mean web-services such as Facebook, MySpace, Hi5 and many others. Do you know any others?

Maybe you are also familiar with Bebo, FaceParty or Friendster. There are many more others.

On Social Networks you create a profile and people can choose to become friends and share information, post videos or images. It is a really good thing and with such services you can make friends or keep in contact with colleagues, ex-school mates, relatives abroad or trace lost old friends!

One danger in Social Networking is that it is so easy to create a fake profile! Some, for example, register to Facebook even though they are under 13 years of age! It does not take a genius to fake one's age no? So, if someone has nasty intentions he can still tell you that he is your age when in fact he may be an adult! You cannot really know who is talking to you if you don't know the person in real life!

Check [HERE] to see what Facebook has to say about the minimum age requirements.

Another danger is when posting images. Some post images of themselves which should be kept private. There are people out there who may use such pictures for undesirable purposes. Moreover, if you delete a picture you had just posted there is no guarantee that nobody saved it in the meantime! Remember the video shown during the presentation? You can watch it again underneath:

What do you think? Did you encounter problems from Social Networks? Did anyone try to meet you after becoming a friend on Facebook or another Social Network? Give us your comments.

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