Internet Addiction

If the Internet is interfering with your normal life, especially if you are spending too much time playing, chatting and browsing on it, then you have a problem.

Do you stay till late at night using the Internet? Do you feel anxious if you don't have access to the Internet? Is it interfering with your social life? Do you prefer to stay in to use the Internet instead of going out with friends?

If you answer is a Yes then consider yourself an Internet addict.
To beat this addiction, you first need to be aware of it! Then start doing things which are unrelated to the Internet such as going on hikes, joining a youth centre, learning an instrument, practicing a sport! Such activities help to keep equilibrium in your life, are healthy activities and can prevent you from becoming an Internet addict.
If you are unsure whether you are really an Internet addict then you can take the following [TEST]

What do you think? Are you an Internet addict? What can you do as prevention?

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